Wednesday, January 2, 2013

{well hello 2013}

Well Hello 2013!
Hey there little blog…miss me? Bad Katie…**slap on the wrist**.
I know it has been ages since I’ve updated this sweet little blog of mine. My only excuse is that I’ve been busier these past few months than I was at the same time last year (minus the wedding and moving). Going back to work will do that to you ; )
One of my resolutions for this year is to keep up with this blog and not let everyday distractions keep me away.
Speaking of resolutions…I do have a few….
This year I hope to:
Eat healthier—that means more veggies!
Exercise my whole being more—isn’t that on everyone’s list?
Spend more time outdoors—and become one with nature…or something like that.
Blog, blog, blog away—at least once a week.
Take more pictures—especially now that I have a fancy new camera.
Craft more—and hopefully learn to sew.
Read more—I watch too much TV as it is.
Cook a whole lot more—goodbye GoWaiter!
Pursue Plan A!!
Volunteer my time at least once a month.
Find new ways to feed my organizing addiction.
Take more opportunities to show the ones I love that I appreciate them.
Tackle new challenges and discover new experiences to enrich my life.
Let go.
That about sums it up. For now.
What’s on your resolution list? Or are you forgoing this tradition this year? Either way…as long as you’re happy : )
Until…soon I hope!
(like the new signature?)


  1. I figure my teeth, my soul, my blog and my dreams are the big 4 this year - well, and the kids and husband, of course...

  2. All good ones! I'm sure you'll do great with all of them!


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