Tuesday, November 15, 2011

{25 before 25: 1, 5, & 7 check!}

Another project I’ve been working on (like I really need another) is a 25 before 25 list. Inspired by another blogger, I’ve decided to create a list of things I’d like to accomplish before my 25th birthday (which is literally right around the corner). I think it’s something I would like to do every year. I only have a month and a half before 25 so, I have to get moving. I’ll keep you guys posted as I progress.

So far, I can officially mark off a few.

1.  Start Couch to 5k Program: I’ve never been much of a runner (outside of my lacrosse days) but I have wanted to get into it for awhile. It costs no money (unless you get really serious about it) and is a great way to get in shape and build up your endurance. I found a program which is designed to help non-runners build up to a 5k and have jumped right in. It only requires a three day/week commitment, which is very convenient, as well as some willpower. As long as I have a good playlist, I’m good to go. Hopefully I’ll be signing up for my first 5k shortly after the New Year begins. I’ll get Jesse to tag along (he doesn’t need a program as he’s already a very good runner who scoffs at my ten minute mile). I’ll let you all know how it goes!
2.  Start blog: This has been a big “to do” on my list for a long time but I never quite knew in what direction I wanted to go with it. After getting hitched and realizing how far away we’d be from family and friends it just made sense to use it as a form of communication. Let’s just hope I can keep up with it!
3.  Re-start work-out and healthy eating regimen: An important one! Before the wedding planning chaos, I was very consistent with this and it felt great. I took my vitamins and drank green tea every morning, worked out right after the work day, and was very conscious of everything I put in my body. Since slipping away from that lifestyle it has affected my mood, energy, and body image. It is crazy how much of an impact what you eat and how active you are can have on your body. I have said enough with excuses, I want to live a long healthy happy life, so it is time to get back on track. I re-started last week and I have already started to notice changes! Let’s just hope the holidays won’t veer me off track too much.

I hope this inspires a few of you to make your own lists. I’m sure there are things you are hoping to accomplish!

Love, peace, and reeses pieces!

The Mrs.

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